Wednesday, March 19, 2008


so it was waffle wednesday and you only get this if you buy a love going in for a kid size and coming out with a love it ended up making my stomach ache. I think its funny that they get you all excited for free stuff but then end up paying more than you though. that's the whole point of SWAG...its not really free cuz you pay more for it

Thursday, March 13, 2008

breakfast burrito split

So i am a little late on the blog. my apologies. rough day yesterday. But yesterday me and my roomate got up at 7 in the morning (which is a huge deal since neither of us have class on wednesdays) and we made breakfast burritos. I am not talking whimpy, these things were mondo! First we made 8 eggs and scrambled them, then we made 6 strips of bacon, then hashbrowns (crisply cooked), then we set out the cheese, salsa, onions and the pack of tortillas that is so big it wouldn't fit on the big plates we have. A lot of work went into these. So We put everything in ours and were very excited to bite into it when at the same time both of our tortillas cracked and the contents poured out the side onto our fingers. Don't you hate that? well despite this, they were absolutely delicious and we had so many left over materials that our other roomates were able to get in on the action.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


I thought i'd answer the questions on Professor Larsen's blog...they seemed fun:
...I wasn't tall enough to reach the top cupboards of the kitchen. My best surprise of the day was whether or not my mom packed me a lunchable in my lunchbox. Tetherball and Skip-it ruled all. (I was only 9 but being 19 now, tetherball still rules all)

-set up recycling stations in Utah
-travel to one new country every year

1. the classic one: biting nails
2. not using a straw when drinking soda
3. shaking my leg when I'm thinking hard

SOMETHING PEOPLE DON'T KNOW ABOUT ME that i pretty much put barbeque sauce on everything. kind of gross i know, but im starting to grow out of it. I used to be so bad that I would put it on my salads