Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Chinese Food?

The best part of a Chinese food is the fortune cookie! I love them so much. When my group went to a chinese food place for our restaurant review we received chocolate covered fortune cookies which were so good. For valentines day my roomate's mom bought us dark chocolate covered fortune cookies which were absolutely to die for! I just ate one so that I could share with you guys my fortune:

"Seek friends that know when to offer advice, and when to sit in quiet support" true.


BA said...

I think they are always to vague and overrated. You got a good one though I suppose.

Brittany Perez said...

I agree with Bryce. My fortunes aren't usually fortunes but random statements. However, I don't really like fortune cookies for the fortune, just their crunchy goodness.

Courtney said...

Lindsay, I love fortunes! And you saw my enthusiasm for the chinese atmosphere in general, shoots was pretty great. I recently cracked open a cookie and read a fortune that supports brittany's claim about random statements pretty well was, "You like participating in competitive sports." I was like...okay...haha

Keith McKay said...

"The dislodged hubcap from a speeding car will lodge itself up your nose."

I'd eat Chinese like every night if they had fortunes like that.

Anonymous said...

my wife has a fortune taped to the inside of her wallet that says something to the effect that "nothing can keep you from reaching your goals", Ha! More often than not they're just some sort of positive affirmation rather than an actual forecast of the future.