Wednesday, February 27, 2008

that time of the semester

It's about that time in the semester when each day you feel as though you have about five things due in class and about three tests. Whether this just feels like the case or whether it is actually true is irrelevant, no matter what you will stay up until about three AM trying to finish everything up, maybe watching an episode of the office in between. And during these assignments it has been my habit to also get a snack or two. It's weird that food really does help you stay up to finish homework or study. I have to thank food for that.


head chef said...

Do you have a favorite "finish homework" food?

Shannon said...

It's true. I really enjoy graham crackers with peanut butter while i am doing homework.

BA said...

I confess that I have to study in the Library in order to get my homework done. The problem with the library is that I always get sleepy. So I have to be snacking on something if I hope to stay awake. Unfortunately...there is no food allowed in the library. Do you see where this dilema is going?

Keith McKay said...

I envy all of you that can connect study to homework. When I study I often simply abstain from food and focus just on my paper/reading/whatever. It would be nice if I could mentally associate HW with SOME type of food.