Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Blog #2

So i hear that our second blog is due tomorrow...conveniently I just got back from the Olive Garden so that provides me with a topic to "blog" about (im still not quite comfortable using that word for some reason lol). Because we were talking about our food values today in class, I of course had them in mind when I was sitting there eating dinner (hard to enjoy yourself when you are thinking about school, but I guess its better than having a math problem stuck in your head). I was looking at the menu prices and realized that this place was really expensive but that was not really a value I had because I had an Olive Garden gift card (gift cards are on my list of top five favorite things). I realize when something is free, everything is just so much better! The waitress was so nice too and she actually gave my sister and I free soup! Minestrone!


Shannon said...

I have never been to the Olive garden, but I do love minestrone, alot. Just reading your blog has made me crave it...

gibonator said...

I love Olive Garden and there soups are amazing. Being a college student and all, going out to a nice restaurant is an extremely rare occasion for me. But if I ever get the chance and have a little bit of extra money, I know I would probably choose Olive Garden

Rob said...

I have to agree with you Lindsay, I love eating food when its free. Some people might say you'll appreciate it more if you have to pay for it yourself but I'm with you, I'll take a carefree meal on the house any day.

Brittany Perez said...

I know what you mean by expensive. I swear they raise their prices 3x a year just to spite me. Their stuffed chicken marsales is AMAZING.

Ann Marie said...

I love the Olive Garden. I would love to go there more often, but as you said yourself, it is an expensive place to eat. It's too bad that not all good food is free....