Wednesday, January 23, 2008

making the best impression?

My mom has never been the one to make these extravagant new meals that no ones ever made before. She has always been the type to perfect what she knows. When my friends came over my house it was always the simple traditional stuff, but man does her simple stuff taste the best! I think she sticks to traditional with my friends and anyone else because her worse fear is that she will make something someone won't like. She usually sticks to rolls, ribs, mashed potatoes, pasta salad, dip, SPAGHETTI!, lasagna, stuff like that. When she does want to make a really good meal that she knows will get alot of compliments she makes her Italian food. She is 100% Italian and so it must be in her blood because she really makes the best eggplant parmisian in the world. I did't bring the recipe with me but I usually call her whenever I attempt to make it up here at school. Unfortunately I only got half her blood so it is only half as good when I make it. The other half of my blood is from an Irish cereal pourer :) so I have to learn to compensate with lots and lots of cooking practice. In class we were talking about traditions and stuff and I was thinking that aside from the famous Thanksgiving dinner my mom always makes and the Christmas breakfast, what I always remember is when our church started early we would come home around 11:30 or 12:00 and be starving. We always knew that by the time we got dressed in our PJs (another sunday tradition) my mom would have already made those turkey sandwiches on the long french bread with all the veggies. My siblings and I would just cut it up, eat it and die on the couch :)

1 comment:

Keith McKay said...

From the way you describe your mom, I imagine she could get even someone as barbaric as I am to eat eggplant. I've never had it, and am squeamish around unknown vegetables, escpecially the purple variety.